Modiphius Entertainment | The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms | Dark Brotherhood Aspirants | Miniature Game | Unpainted
36,43 €
Prix vérifié le 07/04/2023 01:45 DétailsLes prix et la disponibilité des produits sont exacts à la date/heure indiquée et sont sujets à changement. Toutes les informations de prix et de disponibilité affichées sur Figurines Gaming proviennent du site internet et sont mis à jour quotidiennement pour vous proposer le prix le plus fiable possible.
Dive into the world of The Elder Scrolls with the “Council of the Dark Brotherhood” expansion, featuring iconic characters like Astrid, Festus Krex, Nazir, Gabriella, Babette, and Vezeera, each bringing unique skills and abilities to your tabletop adventures.
Enhance your gameplay with six intricately designed scenic bases, providing a stunning backdrop for your assassins as they execute their deadly missions and immerse yourself in the lore of the Dark Brotherhood with this must-have expansion.
This set contains six 32mm scale high quality multi – part resin miniatures with scenic base. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.